What’s the Point?


Start Talking

Welcome to the Wilde Poetry Project. It’s nothing fancy. This website is here to discuss modern writings and tackle controversial issues. Call it a personal experiment. 


Offer Stories

As someone who is still healing from past traumas, I felt like I needed to give back somehow. The only way I survived my mental hell was through poetry. And so I wanted to share …

I created two chapbooks, Hanging on Naked and Letting Go Free, which tell a story of a woman falling into self-hate and healing later in time. These chapbooks are free and will be published on a weekly ongoing basis. They can be found on this website.

Please note: The images can be triggering. The messages might be too intense. If you have suffered from sexual assault, mental illness, suicide, and domestic abuse, I urge you to take caution if you decide to read these chapbooks. Warnings have put in place for difficult topics.pi


Look to the future

Depending on the success of these ongoing poetry books, there might be a blog and podcast in the far future. Stay tuned. Live on.